It’s becoming that time of year again! The leaves began to change, the weather starts to cool down, and snow and winter are coming soon… well maybe no snow in Los Angeles but in other parts of the country. Everyone breaks out their heavy coats and blankets and prepares to fire up their gas fireplace to stay warm. Since I strive to live a green lifestyle I thought I’d offer some tips on green ways to keep warm in winter.
While Los Angeles winters are mild, in other parts of the country, when winter comes along it brings snow and lots of cold! So here are some green ways to keep warm in winter! Winterize your home the green way!

Bundle up! Wear a sweater at home or snuggle up in a blanket. Personally I wrap myself up in some eco-bubble and then another blanket, and I stay nice and cozy. Invest in a good thick blanket to help keep warm while being green.
Use Draft Snakes. For drafty doors, cover the bottom of the door with draft snakes. If you don’t have one, simply roll up a towel and put it at the base of a drafty door to keep the cold out without having to turn the heat up. You can even make your own draft snake out of spare fabric! Maybe upcycle old pillowcases! There’s so many green ways to keep warm.

Run Fans in Reverse. This circulates the warm air at the top of the room and redistributes it to the rest of the room. It cuts heating costs and cuts energy use! It’s surprisingly simple to go green while keeping warm!
Lower the temperature of your water heater by a few degrees. Most water heaters are set at 140 degrees Fahrenheit; however, most people do not use the extra steam. Lower your temperature by 12 degrees Fahrenheit and save on the cost of heating water you don’t need. It can reduce your water heating expense by 6% to 10%.

As always mind the thermostat. Turn down the heat whenever you leave. It’s surprising how few people do this, and just how much it can save you and the environment! Remove wall or window air conditioner units and put them away during winter.
Add some weather stripping to your windows. It’s cheap and keeps the draft out of your home keeping it nice and warm.
Hope these tips keep you warm while the weather cools down! Got any eco-friendly keeping warm tips? I’d love to hear about it. Keep yourself warm this winter! Just be conscious of the impact that you have on the environment!