This holiday season donate to your local food bank and provide to families in need. Local food banks help families get by and provide free or reduced price food items. The holiday season is a time to give and help out your fellow man. Here are some ways how you can help people in need of food.

Become a volunteer!
Becoming a volunteer is a great experience and also is a perfect cause to help people in need. Volunteers help in many different ways including packing, re-packing food, help preparing and collecting food at local community food drives. Volunteers also help by assist with fundraisers and package new clothes, school supplies and canned goods to local food banks.

Donating is a valuable contribution to local food banks. You can make your contribution by helping your community out, local organizations, schools and your neighbor. Local food drives are almost everywhere! There is also a virtual food drive that is a new and innovative way to deliver food to the hunger. You can participate in a virtual food drive by donating to community food banks in your local area. Some corporations also come to you when you don’t have the time to. The service is free and also you receive a tax deductible where you can write off up the cost of your donated product. By donating you are also making a difference in the community and your contribution will help the people who are in need.

Become an Advocate!
If your passion is to make a difference and help people that are misfortunate, there are ways to help communicating reality of hunger through advocating for better polices and also better programs. Being an advocate can provide a voice for those who are in need such as children with families, unemployed and low-income workers.
So this holiday season why not do something for someone in need and remind yourself to have fun because your efforts make a difference.