With flowers in full bloom, warm summer nights and love in the air, early summer has come to be the busiest wedding season. After months of planning and organizing, brides will finally get to walk down that splendid aisle. But before you get home from the honeymoon and realize your new home is made up by a lot of somethings old and somethings borrowed, take some time together and begin organizing your new place together. Organizing your new home before moving in together will help all of your “somethings” come together to become a happy home.
After years of moving families, Laura Mcholm, co-founder of NorthStar Moving and organizing expert, has fantastic tips to share with newlyweds. As you start organizing remember your motivation for organizing is making way for your wedding presents!
- Something Borrowed: Decide on the common spaces you will share and how much of that space each of you need. For example when organizing your kitchen or organizing your office, ask who spends the most time there? Organizing space according to function will save you from collecting clutter.
(photo by Rubbermaid Products) Something Blue:When organizing, decide what should stay and what might go in storage. It shouldn’t just be his things that get hidden or stored away. Only store things into storage that both of you don’t need every day. Winter coats and snow gear can easily placed into storage during warmer months for a more organized closet. The rooms that are most often used, like closet spaces, are often the first to become unorganized again.
(photo by mccun934) Something Old:Purge! Organizing is about putting things in their place. This is a chance for a fresh start. Clearing out your unused clothes and old college furniture will help you make room for your new wedding presents. Not sure if it should go or stay? Box it up and store. See if after sometime you miss it. If you learned to live without it, you don’t need it. Donate it or get rid of it. Organizing your things into piles for donation, storage or for the house, helps you both contribute to the order of the new place.
- Something New: Organizing together also means making new memories together! Paint the place together and shop for new stuff that is both of yours.

Getting a jump start on organizing your new place together before the big day will give you peace of mind after honeymoon. Coming home to your newly organized home that reflects the both of you will put you way ahead of the curve. Add organizing you new place to your wedding to do list! If you need help de-cluttering, I’ve found lots more great tips and even a moving company that’s great at organizing your home for you.
What’s your secret to organizing? Any tips for the future “Mr. And Mrs. Of organizing”?