Now that the weather is starting to cool down, it’s a lot harder to get moving and stick to the working out routine. Even though the weather is chilly, working out is still important! Here are some weather-friendly ways to keep working out. Let’s get moving and stay active!

Working Out with Everyday Activities:
Every bit of moving counts as working out! Go walk around the mall and turn your shopping bags into weights. Working out is good for your mind, body, and soul! If the weather is to rough to head outside, then stay indoors and clean. Now, I know no one likes cleaning, but what if your everyday chores count as working out? I know it may not seem like it, but simple activities like vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, and even folding laundry can burn up to 350 calories per hour! Forget the gym for working out!

Working Out Indoors:
If you want to keep running like you did all summer, invest in a gym membership, and keep working out there. If you’ve never had a gym membership before then fitness instructors can help you start working out. The first tip for working out: try new things! If the weather is so unbearable that you can’t even drive to gym, then DIY your home into a working out fitness area! Transforming a part of your home into a fitness room is great motivation to keep working out! If you don’t have the funds to do either, then head to Pinterest, and find the perfect machine-free working out routine.

Working Out with a New Sport:
So what if your sport that kept you moving is off season? Now what? Try something new! There are so many different options for winter sports: skiing, snowboarding, sledding, ice hockey, and ice skating are just a few to mention of winter activities to get you moving! Working out in the cold can still be tons of fun.
These are just a few of my winter moving ideas! What are your suggestions for working out in the cold? Let’s chat in the Comments section!