Books are special. Some of them help our imagination run wild, while other books teach us something new. For those reasons, we should always take care of our books. A lot of times, when we are moving, we think we can pack our books in any certain way. To make sure that our books last us a lifetime and are well taken care of, we first have to know how to pack them correctly. The least we can do is treat them right after all they’ve done for us.

- Boxes ranging from small to medium (depending on book size) *suitcase can be used too
- Markers
- Tape
- Shrink wrap (for older books)
- Eco-bubble wrap
Step 1: Decide what books are staying or leaving

Ideally, we want to bring all of our books with us, but let’s be honest, are we really going to read those books with the ant-sized font? Instead, we should make space for the books we couldn’t live without, such as our Harry Potter series or perhaps even our Shakespeare collection. The books we don’t want should be donated to the library. They will put better use to them than we ever will.
Step 2: Inspect book condition

Some of our books might be older than others, therefore we should treat them with extra care. If your books are beat-up, wrap them in shrink wrap, that way they don’t continue to deteriorate. If the books have some dust on the cover or pages, gently dust off the dirt using a brush. This will help the book last longer and not look as old.
Step 3: Categorize books under genres

In order to find our books faster once we settle in, it is best if we categorize them. Decide what books fall under certain genres, that way they can all be packed together. Once all books are grouped together, label the box (e.g. Pride and Prejudice would go in the classics).
Step 4: Packing books the “right” way
A lot of times when we’re packing, we just want to throw all our stuff into one box and call it a day. If we did that, unpacking would be a complete mess and our books could possibly be destroyed. To prevent this, we want to pack in an organized manner. This way unpacking will be a breeze and our best friends (the books) won’t be ruined.

Pack larger books (such as textbooks) towards the bottom of the box facing up, making sure that the spine is opposite of each other. You can then place smaller books on top of them. You can also have hardcover books standing as if they were on a bookshelf. For paperback books, it is better if they are laying down, that way the edges don’t get bent.
Keep in mind that you don’t want to pack all your hardcover books together. It will make the box harder to carry. Instead, pack a mix between heavier and lighter books, that way lifting it can be easier. Also, don’t pack all your books into one large box because carrying it will be difficult. Place the books onto smaller boxes for easier access when moving them.
Another suggestion is putting your books in rolling suitcases instead of in a box. It’ll make moving it lighter, without any complications. As always, be cautious of how you pack your books. Don’t just dump them into the suitcase. Organize them in a smart way (see above on how to pack). You can then roll your way into your new home with your carefully protected books.
Step 5: Fill in empty space with eco-bubble wrap

To prevent books from getting damaged during the move, it is best to fill in any empty space within the box with eco bubble wrap. This will stop the books from moving around.
Step 6: Seal box with tape

Avoid books from getting wet or getting insects by sealing the box with tape. It will make sure that no dust or mold get inside during your move or if you decide to store them.
Packing our precious friends can seem difficult at first, but with the right guide and strategy, it’s not that bad. Later on you will be thanking yourself for taking such good care of your books that mean the world to you.
What are some ways you pack your books? Tell me in the comment section below.