Last week I was helping to prepare a presentation NorthStar Moving® was going to make for CAA, the California Apartment Association. After a great relationship we’ve shared for years, they are considering our moving company for recognition, and wanted to know more about our achievements in the past year and about our work with many moves from apartments in Los Angeles and in California. Yay for us! My teammates and I made a very nice booklet with information about our awards, about our appearance in TV shows like MTV’s the Hills, and Kathy Griffin’s My Life on the D-List as well as a few projects we are tremendously proud of, like moving the personal items of families who just got their new Habitat for Humanity homes in San Juan Capistrano, or helping the Make-A-Wish foundation grant their 7,000th wish (we got to spend a whole day with the fabulous designer and always positive and giving Kim Myles, redesigning a room, and met the truly amazing Claire Wineland!). It was a very colorful and nice looking booklet (I love it when I get to let my creative side out) and working on it got me in a reflective mood about the past year.
As I was looking at the nicely bound booklet I had an inner urge to add something more personal, a little piece of a message from the heart to all these facts. I knew exactly what was needed. We just celebrated NorthStar Moving®’s 16th birthday this September, and we all had a talk about all the many moves we did, the experiences we shared and what we all got on a personal level from working at this ever growing company. The result was a slideshow of the 16 things we love about moving, to celebrate our 16 years in the moving industry. We printed it out and added it as a bonus to the presentation. The next day, Ram Katalan, our Co-Founder and President of NorthStar Moving® told us with a smile that the presentation was just great. Mission Accomplished. So, let me celebrate by sharing with you my favorite part of it. Here we go, 16 things we love about moving:
Come to think of it, this slideshow is very appropriate for the season. Thanksgiving is getting so close I can almost smell the turkey cooking, so it’s nice to realize we have a lot to be thankful for here at NorthStar Moving®. that list of 16 is just the beginning. Here’s another one just off the top of my head: winter is coming, Thanksgiving is near and everything around paints itself in our favorite shades of red:

Doesn’t this photo just make you want to go out and throw some leaves up in the air and just enjoy the day? What are you waiting for? Get moving! I promise I’ll still be here when you come back :-)