Fourth of July is a great time to celebrate not just America’s independence, but summer, family, friends, and much more! Whether you celebrate with a neighborhood block party, a family barbeque, or a quiet dinner for two, get moving and make your Fourth of July dinner special this year with these Fourth of July recipes! Better yet, these recipes are all vegetarian, making them eco-friendly! Grab your mixing bowls and BBQs and make dinner with me! As always, I found all of these vegetarian recipes from my favorite cooking blog Smitten Kitchen.
Green Bean and Cherry Tomato Salad
When it’s hot out, nothing is as refreshing as a cold lemonade or ice water. (Especially after a long day of moving!) Well, this salad seems to be competition for the refreshing “ahh” that comes with summer. This vegetarian recipe ranks as one of my favorites, because it’s so fresh and simple to make! A green bean and cherry tomato salad will be the perfect start to a Fourth of July dinner after a long day in the pool, at the beach, or just sitting around inside telling stories.
Spring Salad with New Potatoes
Potato salad is a classic staple food of any summer barbeque or picnic, so why not have one at your Fourth of July dinner? This spring salad with new potatoes seems a lot less guilt-inducing than the regular mayo-filled deli-style dish, though. This light vegetarian recipe uses lots of fresh produce and won’t weigh you down when you decide to go for an after-dinner swim.

Roasted Peppers with Capers and Mozzarella
Besides cooking up some yummy veggie burgers or tofu dogs, this vegetarian recipe lets you break out the BBQ for some serious grilling! Go ahead and put the peppers straight on the grill so you can get those nice grill marks that summer is all about. These roasted peppers with capers and mozzarella are going to hit the spot.

Cauliflower, Bean and Feta Salad
This cauliflower, bean, and feta salad will give you some much-needed protein after a day of celebration. Better yet, this vegetarian recipe lets you use the barbeque, too! You can stick the pan of cauliflower on the barbeque, cover it up, and get all that smoky flavor that your taste buds are craving. This vegetarian recipe will be the envy of every hamburger-eating American out there.
Ratatouille not only makes me happy because the Disney movie with the same name was adorable, but this dish looks as pretty as it is delicious! Casseroles are common at Fourth of July parties, so why not let everyone be surprised when they open this casserole dish? Another bonus to this vegetarian recipe is that it’s so easy to make! Pop it in the oven, serve it with some couscous, and your stomach will be full of vegetables and happiness.
Strawberry Summer Cake
I’ve already done a test run of this strawberry summer cake for dessert, and let me tell you, it’s one of the best cakes I’ve ever had. The layer of strawberry and the light, fluffy cake melt in your mouth and result in lots of smiles. To make this vegetarian recipe into a Fourth of July recipe, add some blueberries. You’ll get the red, white, and blue of the American flag in a cake. Very patriotic!

Do you have any traditional Fourth of July recipes? Any vegetarian recipes you love for the BBQ or a picnic? (I know NorthStar Moving® loves to move barbeques.) Let us know all about them in the comments section!