Your Guide to Volunteering in the Summer

The summer is off to a great start! If you’re like me, summer means having some free time on your hands. “Vaaacation, all I ever wanted! Vacation, had to get away. Vacation, meant to be spent alone.” That’s where The Go-Go’s had it wrong. You should be spending your summer with lots of people by volunteering! Read More

17 Things We De-claire We Love about Claire

HAPPY 17TH  BIRTHDAY, CLAIRE!!!! On April 10, NorthStar Moving’s favorite teenager will be celebrating the big 1-7. To help get the celebration started, we’ve decided to share 17 things we love about this amazing person (and believe us, it was hard to narrow it down to just 17!). Claire Wineland is an amazing 16-year-old living with Cystic Fibrosis. Read More