Get Ready for California Fires: Fire Preparedness

It’s been a very busy year for California fires, and sadly, there are probably more California fires to come. Because of the statewide drought and dry conditions, California fires can start very easily these days. The upside is you can get prepared! Preparing your home and family for California fires is one of the greatest things you can do this summer. Ready to get moving and get prepared against California fires? Here’s how to do it:

Prepare Your Home Against California Fires

Photo by Shannon
California Fires (Photo by Shannon)

There are many small steps you can take to make your home more resistant to California fires. For a full list of defense ideas, explore this CalFire website.

The first step to take is to remove all dead plants, weeds and grass. That dry debris is a good fuel for California fires. The most eco-friendly way to clear land of flammable vegetation is to use goats! NorthStar Moving even has a handy luxury package called The Billy Goat to handle all your land clearing needs when moving. After you finish getting rid of dry debris on your land, clear out any dry and dead leaves/pine needles on your roof and in your yard and rain gutters. These are fuel for California fires, too! You also want to keep your trees trimmed to be at least 10 feet from other trees, and dispose of any dead branches near your roof.

There are many more steps you can take to save your home from California fires, so don’t forget to click on over to CalFire’s website.

Prepare Your Family Against California Fires

There are two steps to preparing your family for California fires.

Photo by Kim
California Fires (Photo by Kim)

1. Create a California fires action plan. Knowledge is power, especially during stressful, scary times like California fires! So, make an action plan and make sure everyone in your family knows it. Your plan should include the following: a designated meeting place outside a California fires hazard area, different ways to escape from your home or community, evacuation plans for your pets (especially large animals like horses or livestock), and an out-of-area contact. If California fires separate your family, it’s far easier to designate one family friend or relative who won’t be affected by California fires as your family point-person. Make sure everyone has information on how to contact that person, so you can all stay in touch without a lot of confusion. You can keep all this information organized in this handy Family Communication Plan form.

first aid kit
California Fires (Photo by Wendy)

You should also keep fire extinguishers in your home (make sure to check those expiration dates every once and a while). Make sure everyone in your family knows how to use said extinguishers against California fires and that they know the location of (and how to turn off!) gas, electric and water main shut-offs.

2. Make a California fires emergency supply kit. Make sure you have enough supplies for every person in your household in case California fires force you to evacuate. Those supplies should include a 3 day supply of food and 3 gallons of water for each person, a first aid kit, a flashlight, medications, pet supplies and more. Always keep shoes, a flashlight and glasses/contact lenses (if needed) near your bed in case California fires force you to suddenly evacuate at night.

Taking these steps now can pay off in the long run. California fires will always be a threat, but by following these steps, you’ll be ready to go.

Are you prepared for California fires? Tell me about it in the Comments section!