It’s moving day and your pets are wondering about all the commotion. You realize they shouldn’t have been in the house when the movers arrived to pack up the moving truck. Moving with pets can be chaotic. Your cat is jumping in boxes or hiding under the bed. The dog is barking at the strangers in the house. This is something you can avoid by taking note of the following tips.
Before Moving Day

Pet records: When moving with pets to a new place you need to change their records. Ask your veterinarian for a copy of their medical history and make sure all shots are current. Also ask for recommendations on veterinarians in the area your moving with pets to (if you can’t stay with your old vet). If moving with pets across state lines, check the laws on entry of moving with pets.
Moving by car: It’s important to get your animals acclimated to the drive. Before the move, drive short distances with your pet. Make sure you have a comfortable carrier for your cat or a seatbelt attachment that fits your dog. Remember to pack a container of water.
Moving by plane: Whether you are moving internationally moving or just need to travel to your new home by plane, certain documents and records are needed in order to the board the plane with your pet(s). Make sure to go through the official moving pet process. Talk to your veterinarian regarding any needed precautions.
Luxury pet packages: If you are stressed for time and space, look into your moving company’s recommended pet packages. For example, NorthStar Moving has The Paris, The A.L. Webber and The Toto. These luxury packages pamper your pets and transport them so you can focus on moving homes.
Day Of The Move

Cats: The shuffling of boxes and furniture makes cats feel like their territory is being torn apart piece by piece. Many cats run away from home during moving day. To avoid this, ask a friend to pet sit or take them to the California Cat Center for a quick vacation.
Dogs: Leave them with a professional dogsitter recommended by your vet or have a friend dogsit. Keep them away from movers or any other strangers that enter your home.
Other pets: If caged, make sure your animals are out of the way. Pet carriers can crack. Animals can be startled. Take the cages and other animals to a different location for the day.
After The Move

Inside the home: Use the same feeding bowls, litter boxes, scratching posts, and pet toys in your new home. Moving doesn’t mean your have to purchase all new things. If you do buy new items to match your new décor, use them for a while before your move.
Spread scent: Spread your animal’s scent around your new place. Use a soft cloth to collect your animal’s’ scent from the cheeks and heads. Rub the cloth on your furniture and doorways. This helps to introduce your animal into their new territory.
Outside the home: Gradually introduce your pets to the new neighborhood. Do not let your pets out alone. Walk around your new surroundings with your leashed dog. It’s a great way to learn your way. And yes, there are such things as cat harnesses and leashes.
Home Sweet Home
You love your pets and want the best for them. Especially when moving to a new home. With all that it takes just to move all your household items, your pets deserve special care during this time. And after you and your pets are all settled in, sit back, relax, and enjoy your new home.