Everything is unpacked after your move, but something still feels off? After the stress of moving day subsides your new home often retains the stress from the move. Once the boxes are cleared it’s time to start working on creating that peaceful home you’ve dreamed of with these simple organizational and decorating tips. Here are 5 easy ways to make your home more peaceful.
Reduce Clutter for a Peaceful Home
Often times, while unpacking your moving boxes you’ll find a lot of your old items are no longer necessary or you just don’t have a place for them in your new peaceful home. Instead of overstuffing your closet, counters, drawers and corners with this unwanted clutter, donate these items to your favorite charity. Reducing clutter and giving back to your community will definitely give you a good start to a peaceful home. Remember less is more.

Bring Nature into your home
Did you lose your favorite houseplant during the move? Find some new greenery and bring them indoors for a more peaceful home. According Feng Shui expert, Jennifer Bonetto of Real Feng Shui SOULutions, plants will absorb our negative energy. A peaceful home should have large plants that measure at least 3ft in bedrooms and living areas to help produce more positive energy.

Balance your Chi

Simple Feng Shui principles can help you achieve a balanced and peaceful home. Arrange the furniture that you use the most, such as your bed, desk chair, sofa, to face your empowering directions. Use Bonetto’s guide to help you find your good directions or get the flow moving with expert Feng Shui during your next move.
Let there be Light

Take advantage of natural light by opening windows and using sheer curtains. The softness of natural light will give you a peaceful home and connect you to the outdoors. At night, try using candles and soft lighting to help you unwind after a long day of fluorescent lighting from the office. These simple changes in lighting can have big influence your mood, save energy and make your home more peaceful.
Say no to Electronics in the Bedroom
After a long day in front of the computer at the office, your tablet on the couch and your TV in bed, your brain can get a little fried. Studies actually show that electromagnetic fields from electronic devices can affect your sleeping. Preserve your peaceful home retreat by turning down electronics before bed and keeping them out of your bedroom. Unwinding and resting in bed with a good book might just give you the rest you’ve been yearning.

What are you methods for creating a peaceful home? Share them with me in the comment section below.