March Madness basketball season is here! You know what that means? It’s game day all month! Time to gather your friends and family to watch some hoops! There are so many great things about hosting a viewing party, and since its March Madness month, I am going to tell you some ways you can make a difference on game day. Check out how I make game day super fun:
A Win-Win For Everyone

There is nothing better than getting together with your close friends on game day. I’m sure you have been to a viewing party where everyone bet money for which team they wanted to win, but this time, try something different. Instead of betting money on which team you want to win, collect money for the charity of your choice. There are so many wonderful charities to choose from, and the best part is it’s a win-win for everybody. Some of my favorite charities are the Make- A-Wish Foundation, Claire’s Place Foundation, Habitat for Humanity and Kiva. Whichever foundation you choose to donate to on game day, just know it’s making a huge difference in someone’s life. That’s a slam dunk!

Go Green, Game Day Style!
There are so many healthy game day snacks to munch on that won’t put a dent in your belly or the planet. My personal favorite is veggies and dip! For another game day dish, you can go with this vegetarian chili! Serve it up in basketball-shaped trays, and you got yourself a creative, fun game day treat! If chili isn’t your thing, try this game day spring pizza. Yum! For game day desserts, try these pecan fudge brownies or basketball cookies. Mmmmm.
Make It Your Own Game Day
One more way to get healthy on game day is to make your own game day!

For every commercial break, have a contest between your friends and family that makes everyone get moving. See who can do the most jumping jacks or pushups before the game is back on. Have a contest to see who can make a game day slam dunk. Practice your game day half-court sprints. Whatever you do, keep it moving!
Watching the actual March Madness games is only half the fun. It’s all about the other game day treats and activities!
So, how are you celebrating game day? Tell me about it in the Comments section!