Make A Move To A More Eco-Conscious HVAC System

HVAC system

A residential HVAC system (image by M. Quintero for NorthStar Moving).

When moving into a new home, you want to make sure that your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is running as efficiently as possible. This saves you unnecessary costs on energy fees. It also reduces carbon footprint production. The installation of a new, high-efficiency HVAC system to make a home more eco-friendly has become an important priority for homeowners.

As you might expect, heating and cooling homes takes a tremendous amount of energy. One of the easiest methods to reduce your HVAC system energy usage is to schedule regular yearly maintenance. This not only conserves energy but also keeps the system running smoothly and efficiently. A licensed and insured technician can perform a full audit on your HVAC system and complete a tune-up to ensure it is running at peak performance.

“As a general rule of thumb, getting routine maintenance on your HVAC system can help improve the efficiency of your system by 5%,” says Nick Cohen, owner of Advanced Builders & Contractors in Los Angeles.

How Can You Become Eco-Conscious With Your Home?

Consider these HVAC system maintenance tips to help save energy and reduce costs:

Replace Your HVAC System

There are many HVAC system advancements, and modern units make maximum use of energy-saving techniques. Replacing your AC with an ENERGY STAR rated unit doesn’t just help to save the environment, it also has the potential to save you thousands of dollars on energy costs.

Also significant is that older air conditioners used a certain type of Freon gas called R-22. This is being phased out as it causes damage to the ozone layer. By upgrading to a new AC unit, you are reducing the strain on the ozone layer, thereby enhancing eco-friendliness. Make sure to have a licensed professional help you determine which HVAC system is right for your home.

Use A Programmable Or WiFi Thermostat

Having programmable and WiFi thermostats installed in your home eliminates the need to manually increase or reduce the temperature setting of your HVAC system. The Department of Energy has estimated that by keeping the temperature of your home just 10-15 degrees higher in the summer – and likewise lower in the winter – you can save about 15% on energy costs annually.

The cost of a programmable thermostat has dropped significantly over the last few years. Similarly, the purchase and installation of a WiFi thermostat has also decreased in price since coming onto the market approximately five years ago.

Pay Close Attention to Air Filters

Top-quality air filters last between 60-90 days; some can last up to a year. Checking air filters every few weeks is an effective way to ensure your HVAC system is consistently operating at optimum efficiency.

Take Advantage Of Natural Energy

Open up your curtains and/or window coverings to let the sunlight come into your home during the day. This natural heat warms your space and helps you to feel more comfortable without having to crank up the temperature on your HVAC system.

During the summer, however, do the opposite and keep curtains and/or window coverings shut to prevent the outside heat from entering your home.  This will in turn reduce the energy cost to run your central AC or ductless AC unit. You can also install or upgrade your window blinds to those which allow light into your rooms while blocking out heat.

Make Good Use Of Landscaping

Trees and other landscaped greenery can offer invaluable shade for your home during the hot summer months. Natural shade can lower the indoor temperature of your home and help it remain cooler. Therefore your AC will run far less often than usual. Of course, there is also the benefit of the beauty the natural landscape adds to your yard.

Wrapping It Up

Maintaining your HVAC system is a very efficient, eco-conscious habit to acquire when moving into a new home. Overall, it helps to reduce the carbon footprint left by humans and also generally saves costs on energy. 

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Nick Cohen, Guest Contributor  

Nick Cohen is the owner of Advanced Builders & Contractors which has served the Los Angeles area for over 14 years.