Another Very Vegetarian Thanksgiving

Last Thanksgiving, I decided to make my dinner special by making it healthy, happy, and eco-friendly. Those three things can only mean one thing: vegetarian Thanksgiving recipes! Over the past year, I’ve tried to make more and more of my holiday meals be “very vegetarian,”… Read More

A Very Vegetarian Valentine’s Day

NorthStar Moving® knows a thing or two about how to be red on the outside and green on the inside. Make your Valentine’s Day dinner the same way! This holiday is a day for love. And, as the old saying goes, what better way is there to get a person’s heart than through their stomach? So, why not get moving and cook a nice dinner for your family, your friends, or your special someone? If you really care about them, you’ll pick the healthy (and green!) alternative and make Read More

A Very Vegetarian New Year’s Eve

How do you celebrate New Year’s Eve? My family throws a party for all our friends! We move around and dance, play games, and countdown to the new year. We also drink sparkling apple cider, which is my favorite drink. Why? Because of all the bubbles! Watching the bubbles rise to the top of the glass gives me the same satisfaction that comes with popping eco bubble. Besides getting to be with people I love, the best part of the party is usually the food. Yummy! Read More