101 Moving Tips!!

More than 100 moving tips! Can you believe it? We’ve already passed 100 moving tips and counting! I don’t know about you, but I think over a hundred moving tips is pretty  impressive. ;) There’s just so much to do when it comes to moving! There is packing and storing and cleaning and paperwork and movers, oh my! With so much that has to do with moving, it’s no wonder I’ve managed to write more than 101 moving tips! Read More

Packing Smart For Summer Travel

Summer is here! You know what that means, it’s time for summer travel! It’s time to go on vacation. Whether it’s  relaxing the days away on a foreign beach or sightseeing with the family,  summer travel means packing up and hitting the road. Summer travel is the best parts about summer vacation for families everywhere, but the packing leading up to the big trip can be a challenge.  Airline restrictions on baggage don’t make it any easier. Most airlines allow two free Read More

Thanksgiving Travel Tips

42 Million people are scheduled to travel this Thanksgiving, and many are going far to get to their Thanksgiving turkey/tofurkey! While the dinner is delicious, the process of getting there can be arduous. My teammates here at NorthStar Moving® and I thought we could offer some… Read More

Biodegradable Eco Bubble!

Pop! Snap! It’s here! BIODEGRADABLE bubble!

You know the best part of moving day is playing with the leftover bubble! But did you know that regular bubble can take hundreds of years to decompose? Even if all the bubbles are popped! So as a green eco-friendly moving company, my friends at Read More

Saving Money on Your Move

NorthStar Moving® is all about getting the best value for your money! We understand that moving a home can become an expensive task very quickly. People often say they want to go with whatever moving company is the cheapest. But overall, the cheapest could end… Read More