NorthStar Moving Unveils Photo Perfect Packing

NorthStar Moving Unveils Photo Perfect Packing

Eco-luxury moving company redefines packing services with photo-logging system to unpack & arrange clients’ items in exact desired layoutNorthStar Moving ® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, presents Photo Perfect Packing™. The service, which the company has been using for decades to cater to production company needs, is now being offered to homeowners.Photo Perfect Packing photo-logs a homeowner’s possessions before they move out to ensure that when they are unpacked everything is organized exactly to the client’s specifications. NorthStar Moving not only packs and unpacks all of a client’s belongings, with the added service of Photo Perfect Packing; the team photographs every bookshelf, china cabinet, room layout, etc. per the client’s request. Movers then use the photos to arrange everything in the new home to correspond to the previous layout. This includes anything from the positioning of picture frames … Continued

The Most Moved To and Moved From Cities in 2014

The Most Moved To and Moved From Cities in 2014

As spring arrives, the moving truck arrives! Many of you are currently in the process of looking to buy or rent a new home. Perhaps, you want to cut down on your commute, or you are changing jobs? Many of us time our move for when the kids will be out of school. Just like the birds and the bees, we get moving in spring! Since it’s the time big life decisions are made and real estate activity is really kicking off now, my team at NorthStar Moving took a look back at 2014 and compiled the top 10 cities Americans moved to and top 10 cities Americans moved from last year.

Going After the A-List: Businesses Pursue Celebrity Clients

Going After the A-List: Businesses Pursue Celebrity Clients

NorthStar Moving Co. began getting celebrity clients soon after the Los Angeles-based company was founded 20 years ago, owner Laura McHolm says. It has done work for production companies, and that has helped bring it many clients in entertainment; Holm estimates 15 percent of NorthStar’s work comes from the industry. Celebrities hire NorthStar because it provides services for people who want their private lives to remain private, McHolm says. 

5 Ways to Make Your Next Move a Green One

5 Ways to Make Your Next Move a Green One

Packing and moving doesn’t have to mean filling landfills with discarded items. Learn how to be kind to the Earth when you’re preparing to move. Earth Month is here! Now is the time to learn new ways to be even more conscious about what we throw out and get busy preserving our one and only beautiful Earth. Spring also brings the beginning of the busy moving season. Pair these two occasions and we have the perfect opportunity to make greener pastures.

Change Your Mindset and Master Spring Cleaning

Change Your Mindset and Master Spring Cleaning

When you think of spring cleaning, do you think of getting down on your hands and knees and scrubbing your home top to bottom? That’s one way to approach spring cleaning, but how long does that BIG CLEAN usually last? A week or two? To make the most of your cleaning frenzy and make it last all season, you need to change your mindset. Tackle spring cleaning as if you were about to move out of your old home and into a new one. Moving is the time when we get rid of the most stuff, but it shouldn’t be the only time.

Three Steps to a Spring Miracle: An Organized Closet

Three Steps to a Spring Miracle: An Organized Closet

The official start of spring is just around the corner!  Most of hope, that  spring will bring us warmer temperatures but it also brings us the task of spring-cleaning. Each year we dream of starting the new season off with a cleaner, brighter and more organized home. Sound like a miracle? Well, it can all come true with one simple “miracle” closet. You may already think your closet is a miracle because it holds everything you ever bought.With one weekend and these simple step-by-step tips on how to create a true “miracle closet” you will be more organized. Follow these three steps to create your very own miracle closet, the launching pad for a clutter free spring […]

Pet on the Move? 7 Questions to Ask a Pet Sitter and Dog Walker

Pet on the Move? 7 Questions to Ask a Pet Sitter and Dog Walker

Just moved into your new home? Starting a new job? Ready to take on the exciting new chapter? Well, before you step out the door, think about your four-legged housemate. They may not be feeling so settled and could feel deserted if you leave them in the new, unfamiliar surroundings. Not to mention what they might do to your new home while you are away! Now is the time to hire a pet sitter for Fido. But before you just Google “pet sitter” it’s important to understand the difference between a professional pet sitter and dog walker; and a “hobby” pet sitter and dog walker. After all, you don’t want to bark up the wrong tree.

10 Surprising Moves to Master Spring Cleaning

10 Surprising Moves to Master Spring Cleaning

1. In the spring, it’s time to put heavy fabrics, throw blankets and extra toss pillows in storage or if you are never going to use them again donate them to your favorite charity. Less things and textures will make you feel cool and clean. 2. Clear clutter. If things like papers and magazines have been piling up, decide if you really need them. If so, this might be a good time to pack them away. If not, recycle them or donate to your local library. 3. Out with the Poinsettias. Go to a local farmer’s market and pick out spring plants to have in the house.

NorthStar Moving Partners with Pet Sitters International to Match Professional Dog Walkers with Pets On the Move

NorthStar Moving Partners with Pet Sitters International to Match Professional Dog Walkers with Pets On the Move

Eco-luxury moving company expands pet care services to connect their four-legged clients with qualified dog walkers in their new neighborhoodLOS ANGELES, March 4, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NorthStar Moving ® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, has unveiled a new customized package with Pet Sitters International (PSI), the world’s leading educational organization for professional pet sitters, to connect clients with local professional dog walkers after a move. The service ensures pet owners seamlessly find a new pet sitter and walker for their dog when they relocate.“Pet owners in the process of moving definitely need easy access to finding a new professional dog walker which is why we are thrilled to team up with NorthStar Moving,” said Pet Sitters International Marketing & Communication Manager Beth Stultz. “We love opportunities to connect PSI’s dog-walking members with pet owners and moving is the opportune … Continued

Tips to Pack Your Computer Without Fear

Tips to Pack Your Computer Without Fear

With these tips, you can get your computer (and all those cables) packed up for moving … in one box. Moving day is approaching and you can no longer put off packing up your computer. Is the fear of disconnecting this lifeline, trying to fit each computer piece into a box … and then not being able to set it back up correctly causing you sleepless nights? With these tips your entire computer will fit into one box and you can banish visions of endless tangled wires and not knowing where to plug each cord.

8 Week Out: Checklist Helps Manage Your Move

8 Week Out: Checklist Helps Manage Your Move

Did someone say the “M” word … as in “Moving”? Relocating is not really a reason to panic. Despite what you may have heard, moving doesn’t need to be a stressful and overwhelming process. A bit of planning ahead and a detailed checklist can make the list of things to do before your move very manageable. So … what are the to-dos and when do you do them? Use this two-month moving calendar to stay organized and on track as you prepare for moving day. 

NorthStar Moving Partners with Professional Pilot to Relocate Private Planes

NorthStar Moving Partners with Professional Pilot to Relocate Private Planes

Eco-luxury moving company teams up with ferry pilot to assure that even a client’s plane has a smooth landing during a moveLOS ANGELES, Feb. 6, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NorthStar Moving ® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, has unveiled a new customized package with Ferry Pilot Ben Zwebner, a FAA rated Air Transport Pilot, to offer aircraft transport services to clients on the move. The service ensures clients’ private planes are inspected and transported with extensive pilot experience to land them safely at their new home.Ben Zwebner is the owner and chief pilot of The Ferry Pilot, a company that delivers aircrafts worldwide. From single engine, multi-engine to Piston or Turbo-Prop planes, Zwebner cares for each aircraft as if it was his own. He has the highest level of an aircraft pilot’s license and thousands of hours of flight time transporting … Continued

Businesses Shrug Off Break on Fuel Costs

Businesses Shrug Off Break on Fuel Costs

Sharply lower fuel costs are a welcome respite for local companies that buy lots of oil, diesel and gasoline, but most companies see lower prices as just that – a respite, and one that will end all too soon.While businesses are saving money now, many executives say they have no plans to make any permanent changes to how they charge customers or do business.

How to Make Your Old Home Feel New in 2015: Swap Rooms!

How to Make Your Old Home Feel New in 2015: Swap Rooms!

Tired of the old paint colors, the piles of catalogs, over-stuffed closets and toys that your kids haven’t touched since 2013? Is your 15-year-old just not loving the Winnie the Pooh theme room? Well, then it’s time to room swap! Most of us move homes every 5-10 years, but many stay put for decades. Moving is the time when we get rid of the most stuff, so if you haven’t moved in 5 or 10 years, things are piling up! Remember when you first moved into your home?

Can Moving With Kids Be Less Painful?

Can Moving With Kids Be Less Painful?

If you have kids, you have stuff.  A LOT of stuff.  From the moment you find out you are expecting, you start acquiring so many things, your house may resemble a baby store. And then…because you have so many new “things” that your house feels like it is swallowing you whole, you decide to move.  You want more space, a backyard, more storage or another bedroom. Or you may want to be close to family, in a better school district, or moving for a better job. And while I cannot lie, because moving is hard with kids, I can give you tips to make the process as easy as possible.1) Forget any past moves. This is a completely different ballgame.  You have KIDS now.  You NEED to have a good and reputable moving company who will be there when they promise, … Continued

Organize Your Home to Find More Space in 2015

Organize Your Home to Find More Space in 2015

Did you get to the gym this morning and eat a balanced breakfast? It’s that time of year when we pledge to be simply perfect people. But what about our surroundings? How are we supposed to eat healthier if our pantries are overflowing, or be inspired to hit the pavement every morning if we are looking at piles of clothes? Clear your mind by clearing out the clutter. If you organize your home, your mindset will be organized too.[…] try this home resolution: Find more space by clearing out the clutter and organizing your home. Follow these tips and you will be inspired to complete your other resolutions and have a more organized year.

Four Simple Ways to Use Holiday Clutter to Pack Away Décor Safely

Four Simple Ways to Use Holiday Clutter to Pack Away Décor Safely

The holiday festivities have come to a close. The pine needles are beginning to cover the floor and I bet corners of the house are filled with boxes, wrapping paper and miles of ribbon. But before you begin the task of clearing the house of all holiday remnants and packing up the décor, you can actually put the festive trash to good use. Much of your trash is actually a treasure when it comes to stowing away your holiday décor safely. Follow these four simple steps to reuse Christmas past, clear holiday clutter and make sure your décor is in one piece next year, all at the same time!

3 Steps to Creating a Miracle: an Organized Closet

3 Steps to Creating a Miracle: an Organized Closet

With every New Year comes a clean slate and resolutions to be a better, more organized you. Does it sound like a miracle? Well, you can make a start toward having it come true with one simple “miracle” closet. You may already think your closet is a miracle because it holds everything you ever bought. With one weekend and these three simple steps, you can create a true “miracle closet” and be more organized. Life will just be that much better for you in 2015.

NorthStar Moving Teams Up with Children’s Hospital Los Angeles to Bring Cheer to Patients

NorthStar Moving Teams Up with Children’s Hospital Los Angeles to Bring Cheer to Patients

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) December 18, 2014 — Just like Santa, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles(CHLA) receives holiday wish lists from their young patients each holiday season. NorthStar Moving® Company, the leading eco-luxury mover in California, has teamed up with Children’s Hospital Los Angeles to help fulfill these lists by donating the transportation of toys and providing free storage space. This month, NorthStar Moving helped transport toy donations from the Staples Center for a toy drive in partnership with the LA Kings, and later this month the company’s red trucks will assist another drive at CHLA.“NorthStar Moving has just been wonderful with all the too many details on hand,” said Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Gift and Event Program Coordinator Alberto Garcia. “Their trucks and storage will allow us to accept more toy donations and to increase the number of toy donations we can … Continued

Keep Your Kids Safe and Merry During the Holidays with this Simple Checklist

Keep Your Kids Safe and Merry During the Holidays with this Simple Checklist

Are you deep into tinsel and mistletoe? A bit pre-occupied with your holiday to-do lists? Is all the sparkle distracting you and your little ones? Be sure to keep an eye out for trouble, your little ones can reap havoc with holiday décor. Whether you are singing “Feliz Navidad” or “Dradle Dradle Dradle,” we can all agree this is one of the greatest times of the year. If parents aren’t careful though, it can also be one of the most dangerous times. I checked in with the child safety experts at Boo Boo Busters to talk Santa safety to ensure that the holidays and New Year are filled with joy.