On behalf of Global Green USA’s Board of Directors, and our Los Angeles Committee, I want to thank you so much for supporting our Eighth Annual Pre-Oscar Party. Thanks to your in kind donation of trucking and moving services, Global Green was able to raise more than $350,000 to support its national initiatives to implement climate solutions in California and throughout the country, creating healthy green affordable housing, schools, and communities.
With your support, Global Green USA is developing greener cities for a cooler planet – creating green schools that save money and improve students’ academic performance and health, and green housing that is both affordable and provides a healthy living environment – reducing CO2 emissions that cause global warming. These initiatives create green jobs today, while educating and inspiring kids about the green jobs of tomorrow.
We hope you enjoyed the event and musical performances by Best Coast, Portugal. The Man and Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. Please consider joining us for our next Los Angeles event – the 15th Annual Millennium Awards tentatively scheduled for June 4th or 11th. More information about that event will be forthcoming.
Thank you again for your support. You are essential to the success of our work, both now and in the future.
With warm regards,
Matt Petersen
President & CEO